Our Play Cafe

We have consciously created our space to ensure stimulation but not overstimulation. The selection of an engaging but muted calm colours for our soft play, our facilities are fully accessible, all designed and created with children in mind who may find larger spaces, noises and interactions with others difficult.

Even with these measures in place to make our space a play haven, occasionally children will become overwhelmed, this is when you can take advantage of our purpose built sensory room featuring mirrors, projectors, ambient sound, a bubble tube and fibre optics.


We haven't just thought of the facilities for the children, we want the grown ups to feel just as supported too. Our experienced staff will not only welcome and serve you drinks and snacks but will engage your child in positive and developmental play. As well as that we are here for you, parenting is hard, we are an ear and a shoulder. By building on the community feeling within Brewery Square we are making our space a hub for the local information and support that parents and carers may need.

Opening Hours

Mon to Thurs: 10am - 3:30pm
Fri: 10am - 1:30pm
Sat: 10am - 6pm
Sun: 10am - 1:30pm

Our Cafe

We will be serving a selection of hot and cold drinks, child friendly snacks and delicious sweet treats handcrafted by our friend Holly, ex Head of Pastry for Rick Stein!

Our coffee grounds will be donated to local care homes around Dorset to use as fertiliser, and our boxes will be repurposed and redistributed to local small businesses.

Due to our strict safeguarding procedures adults must be accompanied by a child/children.

Play Hours

Mon to Thurs: 10am, 12pm, 2pm
Fri: 10am, 12pm
Sat: 10am, 12pm, 2pm, 4:30pm
Sun: 10am, 12pm